Top Reasons Why Homes Don’t Sell Quickly

Casula Casula real estate | Latest News | Professionals Paradise Realty | Real Estate Tips 14th December, 2011 No Comments
A common question I hear when talking to sellers whose homes have been on the property market for a long time is, “why isn’t my home selling?”
There could be a number of reasons why a property stays on the market for too long, but there are some common ones that we seem to see a lot. So if you’re a seller and you’re wondering why you can’t get your property to sell, then ask yourself if it’s because of one or more of these reasons:
  1. Pricing – A very common reason why homes stay on the market too long is because they are set at the wrong price. If the asking price of your property is set too high or too low then you’re probably missing out on a lot of potential buyers. Properties that are priced too high scare buyers away and properties that are priced too low leave buyers thinking that there is something wrong with the property.
  2. Marketing – Apart from making sure your property is listed at the right price, it’s also important to make sure that it is being marketed properly – after all how will your property sell if nobody knows it’s on the market? There are many ways that a property can be marketed – you can use signs, the internet, office displays, press or maybe a catalogue just as examples. Different marketing strategies will suit different types of properties, so if you don’t think that your property is being marketed adequately speak to your real estate agent about your options.
  3. Presentation – Another reason why a property may not be selling is because it isn’t well-presented. There could be minor things about the presentation of your property that is putting buyers off, and if this is the case then it can help to spruce the property up a bit. If a buyer is comparing properties of a similar type and location, then they will most likely opt for the property that presents best and requires fewer improvements. 
If you think that any of the above reasons could be affecting the sale of your property, or if you would just like to have a chat about your property in general, then please call Stuart Zullo at Professionals Paradise Realty on 9731-6204.