Adding Quick Value to Your Casula Home

Casula Casula real estate | Latest News | Professionals Paradise Realty | Real Estate Tips 17th February, 2012 No Comments
If you’re about to put your home on the market in a couple of weeks or less, then chances are you won’t have time to give your home a renovation before people start viewing it.
But even with limited time, there are still improvements you can make to your home that can help increase its value.
Here are some ideas:
Clean! – The cleaner your home the better it will appear to buyers. So get out the cleaning gloves and make your home look spotless. If you don’t think you’re cut out to clean your home yourself then consider hiring a professional cleaning service to give it a thorough clean for you.
Improve Curb Appeal – First impressions count when selling real estate, so make sure that your front yard is looking its best when it comes time to sell. Mow lawns, fix fences and get rid of weeds to help make your garden more alluring to buyers.
De-clutter and minimalise – Nobody likes to see a home full or clutter and mess, so try and minimalise your home as much as possible so that people can focus on your home and not on all of your furniture. If you have a lot of stuff, then consider putting some items away in storage while your home is being displayed.
Make Repairs – If people notice things in your home that need repairing then all they will be thinking about is the work they would have to do if they bought your home, rather than seeing it as the great place that it is. So before putting your home on the market, fix up those leaky taps, broken lights or whatever else it may be.
Make Minor Improvements – Okay so you might not have time to renovate, but you might have time to add a couple of new things to your home, that are quick and low cost. For instance you could get a new letterbox, re-paint or replace old fittings. Making these small changes could help make a drastic difference to the overall appearance of your house.
Basically when it comes to selling your home you want it to be appealing to buyers. So take a long, critical look at your home and ask yourself what a buyer might like to see.