Dry July is now at an end… what will August bring?

Stuart Zullo General | Latest News 1st August, 2013 No Comments

Fruit SmoothyWe know quite a few Liverpool residents took part in Dry July this year, which saw almost 18,000 people Australia-wide steer clear of alcohol for 31 days (take or leave the odd Golden ticket purchase).  So for those of you who completed the challenge, well done.  Those who enter Dry July help to raise money for those living with cancer, and the total raised so far is a whopping $3.4 million.  This is outstanding, as are the health benefits of enjoying more alcohol-free days.

But now of course Dry July is over for another year.  We’re sure many a champagne cork will be popped today to celebrate turning the calendar page.  But for those who are so happy with the results of their month of sobriety they want to keep their new health regime kicking along into August, we’d love to hear what your plans are for the month ahead.

What could you live without for a month in order to improve your health?  Do you have a vice that could be thrown out the door for a month?  Or alternatively, what would you be happy to commit to taking up for the rest of winter?  Perhaps you’ll join a sporting team, running group, walking group or commit to eating healthier snacks or drinking all recommended 8 glasses of water per day.

Let us know what you could commit to for the month of August.