More top tips for saving on your energy bills

Stuart Zullo Latest News | Real Estate Tips 20th August, 2013 No Comments

save energyWe’ve heard a lot of chatter in the media lately about cost of living, and we’re sure there are some Liverpool residents feeling the pinch.  Last week we gave you a few tips on how to reduce your energy bills and we promised there would be more.  Well, as promised, here is our second instalment of energy saving tips, that will not only save you money on your next energy bill, but they’re also incredibly easy!

Here are a few of our favourite tips for cutting energy costs in the kitchen:

  1. Close the fridge door!  Keeping your refrigerator door closed for as long as possible can help to save up to 7% on your fridge’s energy consumption.  Saving money has never been so easy.  All you have to do is decide what you want before you open the fridge door… simple, right?!  How many times have you hovered in front of an open refrigerator door mentally preparing various snacks before making your selection?  The energy you’ll save by avoiding these practises could amount to as much as running your dishwasher 20 times or your washing machine 50 times, according to the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences at the University of Florida.
  2. Only boil the water you need.  When you’re making a hot drink, don’t fill the kettle.  In fact, you shouldn’t have water left over in the kettle once you’ve made your drink.  Boiling excess water each time you make a hot drink requires your kettle to use extra energy at each use.  Most kettles have a guide on their side to show you the water level needed to make your required number of drinks.  Use it.
  3. Unlike your kettle, your dishwasher should be filled at every use.  Most of the energy used by a dishwasher goes towards heating the water. Since you can’t decrease the amount of water used per cycle, you’ll avoid wasting energy by filling your dishwasher to get the most from the energy used to run it.

There are just a few of the things Liverpool residents can do to help reduce energy wastage in your home and help cut your energy bills.  If you know of other energy saving tips we’d love to hear them.  Please share your thoughts here, and stay tuned for more energy saving tips coming soon.