Spring is in the air… but what does this mean for your Liverpool home?

Stuart Zullo General | Latest News | Real Estate Tips 28th August, 2013 No Comments

spring cleanIt’s time for that all important annual clean-out of the accumulated clutter that seems to miraculously gather throughout the year.  We all have it.  Admitting it is the first step… but where do we go from there?

As a strong advocate for the spring cleaning tradition, our first piece of advice is to stock up on garbage bags, boxes and masking tape; however, this may be optimistic.  If you’ve moved past ‘the junk drawer’ stage and have entered ‘the junk end of the house’ territory, you may require more drastic measures such as hiring a skip bin or arranging a trip to the tip.

Once you have adopted a suitable system for disposing of unwanted, broken, and useless items, I suggest you throw all of your hoarding tendencies out the window and be completely ruthless!  Yes, by all means keep your child’s first baby outfit, but why hold onto all twelve generic white onesies?  Boxed and donated – check!  You may even find that some items can be put on Freecycle or eBay.

Once you’ve decluttered, the next step is to get cleaning.  This is the perfect time to do all those jobs you tend to put off in your day to day cleaning, such as deep cleaning carpets and rugs, cleaning out your refrigerator, freezer and pantry, replacing batteries in smoke alarms and making sure all light bulbs are working.  Reorganising book shelves, rearranging furniture and replacing bed linen will also help to reinvigorate a room.

If you’re lacking the motivation to start your spring clean, don’t forget that the benefits aren’t just in the appearance of your home.  It’s a great calorie burner (the harder you work, the more energy you’ll burn), it’s a healthy way to release anger or frustration to improve your mood, and your whole family will be breathing easier once you’ve rid your home of those additional dust mites and spots of mildew or mold.  A good spring clean has also be shown to help people adopt a healthier lifestyle, as a cleaned out fridge and pantry tends to inspire healthier eating.

So what are you waiting for?  Whether you’re planning to put a ‘For Sale’ sign out the front of your Liverpool home;, or you’re just after a healthier happier home, get to work now and enjoy all the benefits of a good spring clean.