What is your garage used for?

Stuart Zullo Casula real estate | Latest News | Real Estate Tips 9th July, 2010 No Comments
How many of us actually use our garage to store cars? It seems these days that the good old garage is no longer a “carport” but more often used to store household utilities and things that just can’t find themselves a home in the rest of the house.
Do you use your garage to store garden tools or your furniture? Perhaps you use it as a hobby room, or games room for the kids? What about your drier, fridge, freezer… I know a lot of people who have a spare fridge in the garage!
If you consider that the cost of a garage can be anywhere from $20,000 upwards, should we be more mindful as to what we actually use it for?
I heard a story about a developer in the UK who recently built a series of units without garages. Can you imagine? Initially I raised my eyebrows and thought this sounded a little strange not to include on a new premises. But then I started to think about his reasoning: less cost to build (therefore less cost to buy), buyers did not need extra costs of owning a car and more environmentally friendly if we don’t own a car.
Points to note about the unit’s location: each was given 1 off-street car space and the units were built in an area where public transport was very popular. So maybe if public transport was more popular in Sydney less of us would have garages?
Just some points to consider!
So what do you use your garage for? What is its importance in your home?