No Cold and Flu For You

Casula General | Latest News 15th April, 2011 No Comments
Colder weather tends to bring out the cold and flu season, and often can be prevented simply by being a little bit more mindful of how we live and conduct ourselves in the community.

My top tips for preventing cold and flu this winter are below, which I hope that if everyone in the Casula community can live by, we won’t see any major outbreaks over the cooler months of the year.
1)      Personal hygiene such as washing your hands after using the bathroom, playing with pets, shopping, holding objects that others have held, coughing and sneezing seems like an obvious one. If you can’t see yourself doing this, use sanitising gel which you can carry with you.
2)      Bacteria in your home can fester and make your family sick. Ensure you clean your home well, throw any tissues in the bin immediately and sanitise things that people use communally, like the phone and keyboard.
3)      Deter insect bites by wearing repellent and getting rid of any sources of water that may provide a breeding ground for mozzies. 
4)      Stay covered up – don’t allow your temperature to fluctuate greatly because it can affect your immune system’s efficiency.
5)      Keep up your intake of fresh vegetables and fruit – their vitamins and minerals are great for boosting your immune system.
6)      Don’t skip breakfast, as busy as you might be, if you don’t have breakfast, your body is working extra hard to function which can lessen the effectiveness of your immune system.
7)      You may think that sharing food and drink with your family is OK, but especially if your kids attend day care, school or visit friends a lot, then you don’t know what they may have picked up. Encourage them not to share food and drink with others too.
8)      Use antibacterial detergents and soaps to kill any lingering bacteria that may cause you to get sick.
If we all abide by these simple tips, then we should be able to prevent our community from cold and flu season. If you’re a business owner, make sure you clean your office and reception area so that you, your staff and your customers can stay healthy. Prevention is better than cure!
– Dr Zullo