Does Your Home Need a Cleaner?

Casula Latest News | Real Estate Tips 9th May, 2011 No Comments
I’ve had a couple of discussions with people lately over the benefits that come with hiring a house cleaner.
It seems that a lot of people are conflicted about hiring a cleaner for their home – some see it as an unnecessary luxury, whereas others can’t imagine life without one. Busy couples and families often find that they have little spare time left in their day after work and errands, and so hiring a cleaner can give them one less thing to worry about.
For those people out there who aren’t sure about hiring a cleaner, I’d say it’s worth at least “giving it a go”, especially if time is a real issue for you and you’re struggling to keep a good work-life balance. House cleaners can also come in handy in sharing situations when nobody is willing to pull their weight. When you’re sharing a home with friends, a lot of arguments can start over cleaning and sometimes it’s easier for the household to put in a little bit of money each week so that everyone knows the cleaning will get done.
According to, the average cost for a house cleaner is around about $30 per hour. Some cleaners work on flat fees though, so you may even be able to negotiate a suitable figure with your cleaner of choice.
A house cleaner isn’t for everyone, but for some people it can mean an extra few hours every week to spend time with family and loved ones, which I’m sure most of us will agree is priceless!
Do you use a cleaner at your home? Would you recommend them to others?