Would you buy your house?

Stuart Zullo Casula real estate | Latest News | Real Estate Tips 3rd May, 2014 No Comments

Would you buy your houseWhen presenting your home for sale it goes without saying that you want to make the right impression on your buyers. The best way to do this is to stand back and ask yourself, “would I want to buy my own house?”

If you answered “no” then you need to ask why that is. Do you need to renovate some parts of the house? Does your home need a big clean out?

It’s important to present your home to the best of your ability and to fix and tidy up everything you can so as to get the best possible sale price.

Here are some common things around the home that are sometimes forgotten about when presenting it for sale:

–       Mowing the front lawn

–       Emptying and hiding away bins

–       Collecting mail

–       Removing letters, drinks and other miscellaneous items on benches

–       Clearing away laundry left lying around

–       Removing cleaning products from view

When someone visits your property with the potential to buy they want to imagine a new lifestyle for themselves, and this can be ruined if they are left imagining the chores of everyday life instead.

So when you go to prepare your home for inspections, put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and try to imagine what first impressions they might be getting as soon as they step into your front yard.

If you would like any advice on how best to present your home for sale then don’t hesitate to come and have a chat to one of our friendly team at Professionals Paradise Realty.