Category: Local Area Info

26th December 2012
Would You Like To Contribute To Our Blog ‘I Love Liverpool’?

We’re often get asked by people to write about particular topics and we have plenty of great friends and readers who help provide us with…

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24th December 2012
Merry Christmas Liverpool!

It’s that time of year again; as Santa busily packs his sleigh, things are winding down here on the Liverpool.  Many Liverpool residents and employees…

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14th December 2012
Liverpool Real Estate Buyers Beware!

If you’re considering purchasing real estate in Liverpool, make sure you read this first!  With a financial services company recently hitting the headlines for overvaluing…

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30th November 2012
To NAPLAN or not to NAPLAN?

If you’ve been following the news recently, you may have noticed that NAPLAN (National Assessment Program – Literacy And Numercy) has recently been hitting the…

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26th November 2012
Where Are The Best Liverpool Christmas Lights?

As December approaches, many Liverpool families will no doubt be on the lookout for the best Christmas lights to stroll past on their evening walks. …

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23rd November 2012
Celebrating The Class Of 2012 At The Casula Powerhouse Arts

Our wonderful Year 12 students have finished their final exams, and no doubt have started enjoying their new-found freedom while waiting eagerly for their results. …

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19th November 2012
Liverpool Dog Parks

Have you ever wondered why some dogs are so well behaved and content while yours jumps madly at visitors and barks as though possessed whenever…

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9th November 2012
Are Compulsory Swimming Lessons A Liverpool Necessity? Have Your Say…

Whether your own home has a backyard pool, you’re planning a beach holiday, or you’re a regular at Michael Wendon Aquatic Leisure Centre, you’re bound…

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7th November 2012
Get Into The Christmas Spirit At Casula Mall

This year Casula Mall is the place to be to experience all the fun of Christmas.  If you own or rent real estate in Casula…

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